Wwasl simulations ®

WWASL simulations is a group of current 6th graders, the five original members are: William Z, William R, Ashton M, Spiros I, and Luke A.

This website contains information about our games and the people behind them.

We have 2 games in the beta development phase.

Our newest game is "Driving S imulator", currently under development. We aim to release it on December 30 th.

Access to games


What We Use to Make the Games

We use Roblox Studio to make games for Roblox, (Coding language is Luau), and IntelliJ IDEA CE to make other graphic simulators, like Shardscape (Java).

This is a picture of a SUV that will be featured in Driving Simulator

This is a picture of a starter car that will be featured in Driving Simulator

Due to the holidays coming up, Driving Simulator 's release may be delayed again. We apologize in advance if the delay occurs. More news will be shown on the Driving Simulator page. If a delay occurs, Driving Simulator will be released on January 7th at latest. Happy Holidays!

Shardscape will have a severe delay of about 3 months. This delay is due to extended due to progress on Driving Simulator .